School Year Teaching Planning

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Basing this specific section on what has been stated in the Official Decree 228/2014, of the 14th of October, by which educational measures for attending different learning styles and individual needs have been integrated in Extremadura; it may be stated that this School Year Teaching Planning will always take into consideration the different learning styles and learners individual needs existing within the classroom and, likewise, it will provide learners with as much help as possible by means of offering them different sorts of adapted works or even, making use of ICTs as a useful didactic resource.
Moreover, although all materials in this Teaching Planning have been prepared taking into account those students with special educational needs …show more content…

 Adapting the methodology to the learner individual needs.
 Reinforcing learner’s learning strategies.
 Improving learner’s learning attitude and habits.
Moreover, each of the teaching units of this Teaching Planning also includes a series of reinforcement and extension material that may be used according to each learner’s learning needs. Likewise, it is noteworthy to mention that the school is provided with a special classroom where students with special educational needs are individually looked after.
4.1.Students with Special Educational Needs
As has already been mentioned, there are two different classrooms of 2nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education (C.S.E. from now on) where this School Year Teaching Planning is intended to be applied: 2nd C.S.E. A and 2nd C.S.E. B. In each of these classrooms, there are some learners with special educational needs. Indeed there are three students diagnosed with
SCHOOL YEAR TEACHING PLANNING (2nd Year of Compulsory Secondary
Elena Granado Hernández
ADHA, another student diagnosed with a significant deficit of attention, and also, a student 25% …show more content…

Among these reinforcement materials, the most relevant ones are a special workbook designed especially for them which includes further explanations on the different level contents as well as further activities concerned with those contents and also, extra lessons they will receive throughout the academic year for them to be able to be at the same level of their

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