Cognitive Abilities In Second Language Essay

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The general purpose of the current study was to clarify the role and estimate the correlation of specific cognitive abilities with Second Language (L2) reading achievement of English Foreign Language (EFL) university students. To this aim the relationship between fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, and speed of processing with second language reading comprehension as three different kinds of tests were examined to predict participants’ reading achievement. In this regard McGrew (1993) stated that Reading Comprehension in the first language has cognitive correlate with fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, and speed of processing. However, since there are not ample available studies on the cognitive correlates of reading comprehension in a second language, we put our attention on the role of cognitive abilities of individuals to investigate second language reading …show more content…

In general, research shows that studies on second language acquisition of individual differences has typically dealt with affective and sociocultural factors rather than cognitive abilities consequently, there are still gaps in reading especially to the second/foreign language.
In a study Mikulecky, (2008) stated that the written information motivates prior knowledge, and the prior knowledge, sequentially, activates expectations about what is in the text. This interactive, unconscious process continues till the comprehension has occurred. Readers’ first language and mental schemata determine noticing in a text and applying the mental schemata to that information, however, second language readers’ mental schemata are built on the basis of their first language and cultural background. Therefore, what second-language readers notice in the text and how they interpret it, will differ as a result of differing prospects about language structure and cultural

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