The Importance Of Self-Esteem In Schools

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Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Chapter preview This chapter presents in detail regarding self-esteem in schools. The chapter discuss what is self-esteem, physical, social and performance self-esteem, characteristics of the self-esteem, reasons why students get affected by low / high self-esteem, Impact of self-esteem on gender, academic achievement, class level, languages spoken, characteristics of high self-esteem and characteristics of low self-esteem. 2.2 Self-esteem According to Farid and Akhtar (2013) stated that self-esteem is an overall evaluation of oneself in either positive or negative way. It is important for a child to build his / her self-esteem which helps to build belief that they can handle their life well. Self-esteem is feeling good about self and feeling worth-while. Self-esteem enables children to try new things without much fear of failing. Positive self-esteem builds solid foundation for life. It is a way people think and feel about themselves. Self-esteem in children is how they feel accepted and appreciated by adults and peers thus they develop a sense of self which is shaped by their experiences. Children need to feel …show more content…

This social self-arises from the one’s observations of how others react to the self. That is, people learn to identify themselves by the perceptions of others, termed as the looking-glass self. The social self is a way of defining and refining the sense of self. There are three basic elements while gathering positive and negative feedback from the others’ mind (Cooley as cited in Emil, 2003. First one is the imagination of our appearance to the other person (How do I appear to other person?), second one is his/her imagination of his/her judgment of that appearance (What does other person think about me?) and thirdly, some sort of self-feeling (How do I feel toward myself as a result of

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