A Summary Of Self Efficacy Theory

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Eccles and Wigfield (2002) strongly supported Bandura’s assumption (1994;1999; 2001) in that outcomes expectations as well as efficacy expectations are the precedence of people’ s expectancy beliefs for success. They presume that expectancy beliefs contribute highly in task persistence, setting goals, and investing greater effort. The reciprocal connection between self-efficacy and motivation (Bandura, 1994) are apparently determined by goal attainments, investments of effort, task-persistence, and resilience to failures. From what has been discussed so far in the preceding section, the vast literature of the appraisal of self-efficacy beliefs is grounded correspondingly in attribution theory, goal theory, and expectancy-value theory (cf. …show more content…

Self-concept is another significant determinant of self-efficacy appraisal. It is broader in meaning than self-efficacy and self-esteem, and therefore, encompasses most of what is being said on these terms in the literature on aspects of personality (cf. Larson & Buss, 2008). Self-concept is defined as individuals’ perceptions of themselves that are developed from their experiences with and understandings of their environment, and it is profoundly affected by reinforcements and evaluations of significant others (Shavelson & Bolus, 1981). Self-concept is hierarchically constructed with perception of behaviour in specific situations. Academic self-concept is situational-specific, which consolidates the appraisal of self in subareas such as English, Math, History, and Science. Non-academic self-concept is heightened by the evaluation of self that can be social (individuals perceptions of themselves vis-à-vis peers or significant others), emotional (estimation of self based on particular emotional states), or physical (physical ability and physical …show more content…

In so doing, they utilized the Neal Analysis of Reading Ability to asses three main components of reading achievement (rate, accuracy, and comprehension) and the Reading Self-Concept Scale, which is a 30-item self-report questionnaire intended to measure perceptions of competence in reading, perceptions of difficulty in reading, and attitudes towards reading. The findings demonstrated strong correlations between all the items on the reading self-efficacy scale and the assessed components of reading achievement, indicating a positive relationship between reading achievement and reading self-concept. Unlike accuracy, reading comprehension and rate highly predicted high self-concept in reading. The study implies that students who perceive themselves capable readers are more confident in their reading abilities and can earn high scores in reading. On the contrary, students with negative self-concept feel bad about themselves as readers and perform poorly on reading