Self-Interest In Schindler's Life

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It is obvious that Schindler risk his life, determining whether he did it out of empathy, impulse, self-interest, Influence is a good question. At one point if you would have asked me this question I would have said self-interest, but now looking at the full picture and watching the movie my vision of him has shifted. The things he saw and did, the way he took action, trying to save lives. Schindler was raised to believe to hate Jews at a young age, and everyone he new and maybe even trusted was going around tormenting jews and killing for fun. It makes me wonder if he truly was not sure of which way to go. Maybe he was afraid of what could happen if he spoke up, or told someone what he was thinking. The way Jews were treated was not kind, and it is not something that someone should go …show more content…

The little girl represented innocence, there was a kindness in her eyes to make you melt. Once again you see his conflicted personality, he is not sure what to do. You can tell he wants to help, but I think he is fearful of the unknown and what could happen. The inner struggle makes me question his impulse because even though he felt empathy for the girl or some type of guilt he did not do anything. The girl ended up in the pile of bodies going to be buried and burned. When he see’s this I think this is another big wake up call for him. He really decided to step up father and not long after that he bought all the Jews so he could give them the chance of survival or at least those who remain. He did save a lot of lives, he saved more than any other person did or even put forth for effort into trying to make a difference. Schinder may have even started to shift other people who ran with him point of view or they could have hated him more than they already did, Either way what he did saved lives, a lot more Jews could have died if it were not for