Essay On Sense Of Taste

1914 Words8 Pages

Problem Statement Does sense of smell facilitate sense of taste
Olfaction is produced by the nerve cells present in the nose, which send certain messages into the brain when stimulated by odors, and distinguish aromas in the brain. The gustation works in a same way, as nerve cells present in the taste buds of the mouth and throat react to foods or liquids to form a taste (Margolis, 2012-2014)
The impairment functioning of these senses has a harmful effect on our lives. The sense of smell and taste stimulates a desire to eat. These senses nourish our bodies and also improve our social activities. When smell and taste become stops working, we cannot sense aroma of food, we do not socialize much, and feel worse. These senses also have a survival function in our lives as they warn us from dangers i.e. fire, poisonous fumes, and spoiled food. Loss of the sense of smell indicates sinus disease, growths in the nasal passages, or brain tumors (Margolis, 2012-2014) …show more content…

From the research, it was asserted that sense of taste does not solely work to formulate a taste but somewhere between 75 and 95% sense of smell contributes to form a taste. But the widespread disagreement which concerns that which of the senses should be considered as constitutive of flavor perception and which merely modulatory means that it is probably not going to be possible to provide an exact answer to the question of how much of what people commonly think of as taste comes from the nose, until one has carefully defined one’s terms. However, answer can be varied because of the particular combination of olfactory and gustatory stimuli but many researchers agreed on that olfaction plays important role in the tasting of food. The results suggested that this research needs to be shared publicly so that modernist chefs modify the way in which they deliver multisensory flavor experiences to their customers. (Spence, C,.

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