Seri Alam Case Study Solution

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The number of motorcycle users nowadays is increase day by day. The motorcycle also one of transportation that can help people to reach their destination. The price of a motorcycle is more affordable rather than another vehicle. It will result in increasing of motorcycle users in Bandar Seri Alam. Bandar Seri Alam also in developing, so people more prefer to use motorcycle rather than another vehicle to avoid traffic congestion. Mostly, the motorcycle users are from student and workers near the area.
The traffic level in Bandar Seri Alam is increased so the conflict needs to create to improve the safety of motorcycle users which are slower and less protected vehicles. The conflict can be created by the implement of …show more content…

• How the level motorcycle safety due to conflicts occur between vehicles and motorcyclists?

The main purpose of this research is to decrease the number of an accident at Bandar Seri Alam. Because of that, this research will be observed at Bandar Seri Alam road only. The location is chosen because the accident involving motorcycle always happened here.
Another reason this research is conducted here is, today there are a lot of vehicles on the road including cars, vans, lorries and truck. All of these vehicles share the same road and using the same lanes to make sure their daily routines is done. So, the researcher has to encourage people and ourselves to be a good user of the road. Whatever it takes, safety is the most important element especially when people use to drive and rides on the road to decrease the risk of accidents and make the journey safe.

Figure 1.1: roadmap at Bandar Seri Alam
a) To be safer and want to explore further on the impacts of advantages in making this road

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