Shigenobu: Prejudice And Racism Analysis

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Based on the articles and readings provided in class, the argument can be made that every colonial group is racist. In other words, racism is a reoccurring tool used by imperializing powers in order to effectively subjugate native peoples and justify their own actions to themselves and their own peoples. “The pattern established at the outset has remained unchanged… the Spaniards still do nothing save tear the natives to shreds, murder them and inflict upon them untold misery, suffering and distress, tormenting, harrying and persecuting them mercilessly” (de las Casas). Here in the Spanish Caribbean racism is repeatedly used to undermine the cultural values of native Caribbean peoples while highlighting the greatness of Spanish culture/way …show more content…

Shigenobu highlights the usage of slavery by European and American imperialists to underline the belief of Whites that they are the superior race. Even after the abolishment of slavery we still see massive amounts of racially motivated hate crimes occurring throughout the United States and throughout Europe. This is indicative of the lasting effects of colonialism in the lives of all those involved in its practice. Racism and the idea of superior and inferior races permeates the lives of both the colonized and the …show more content…

To justify Apartheid in South Africa Geyer points out that despite the freedoms enjoyed by native Africans they have not accomplished any major landmarks of civilization, thus guidance by White Europeans is a necessity for native Africans to flourish. This is an extremely common narrative colonizers establish in order to justify their actions; the colonizers appear as the “saviors” that will lead the disillusioned “savages” to true enlightenment. However, as we see time and time again throughout history these so called “saviors” actually operate to the extreme detriment of the