Five Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior

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With the fast changing consumers’ habits brought about by the advancement and growth of economic activities of people around the globe, it is visible that the convenience stores are rapidly growing as well brought about by its rising popularity amongst individuals to meet with the current needs of the market. In the global arena today, people compete with time to be able to reach and achieved what they wanted to accomplished. Being self-conscious is brought about by being time-conscious. People look for shortcuts – for instants – to be able to satisfy their needs and wants. A huge revamping exercise is happening on the retail store industry nowadays as other forms of market formats like department stores, supermarkets and convenience stores …show more content…

Because of too many attributes that affects customers buying decision, Swoboda, Haelsig, Schramm-Klein and Morschett (2009) grouped similar attributes and come up with five major antecedents that should be considered in retailing. The major groupings of indicators are retail brand, retailer’s attributes, price, communication (in-store customer service) and store design. Kumar (2016), however, classified and come up with eight factors affecting the shoppers marketing behavior which are the (a) store equipment, (b) discount and loyalty promotion, (c) in-store customer service, (d) store working hours, (e) facility for shopper and shopper’s merchandize transport, (f) merchandize assortment, (g) store environment, and (h) product display. Moreover, a much stratified yet more classified factors were introduced by Charoensinoran (2009) indicating visiting and buying frequency, purchasing behavior, brand and product selection, service and store physical attributes. Makati (2016) introduces modified factors of Charoensinoran’s research and come up with visiting frequency, brand preference and merchandize offering as the factors affecting customer’s buying

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