Research Paper On Biometrics

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Mark Zuckerberg said “the question isn’t ‘what do we want to know about people?’ It’s “what do people want to tell about themselves?’ ” The Internet has be a big step of progress in technology, it has open new ways of communication especially with social media. Threw this portal we can check our emails, management of our bank accounts or credit cards, taxes and work statements; it is use as a portal of communication also with doctors and schools. All these sites contain some sensitive information that we think that is protected by a password. We also use our smartphones to check all this sites, a convenience many will say, the ability to have the information in the tip of our fingers makes us susceptible to put all our information in our phones, …show more content…

Biometrics comes from the words bio that means biological; and metrics that is in measurement, so in theory we can say that biometrics is a biological measurement. Every person has very distinctive natural futures that can be measure, and Biometrics takes advantage of these singular measurements that not two people has the same. Some of these unique physical characteristics are fingerprints, hand scan, facial measurement, iris (retina) scan, voice pattern, ear form, signature are some of the things that can be utilize for automated identification. Simultaneously, biometrics also offers the ability to not having to remember passwords or carrying security …show more content…

Another agency that uses biometric identification is the FBI who stores photos of criminal and allows other agencies like the police, CIA or any other law enforcement to match the biometric identification of their database. Authentication, involves matching one submitted biometric feature and matching it with a specific authorized template. Of key importance in the case of biometric authentication is the fact that templates are not whole images. A compromised database of biometric templates is not the same as a security breach resulting in the theft of passwords, PINs or account numbers. A template can’t be reverse engineered, but if it could be, an ideal biometric system should require a live biometric be presented for access in the first

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