Indian Festival Diwali Essay

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Diwali or Deepavali is the most anticipated Indian festival. Deepam means lamp and oli can mean both light & sound. Commonly known as the “Festival of lights”, people celebrate this joyous event by lighting lamps throughout the house and bursting crackers. The mode of celebration differs in various parts of India due to cultural and religious significances, but the spirit of the festival is the same across the nation. It is an occasion to observe the victory of goodness over evil and it marks a new beginning where hope prevails despair.

As a child, I always eagerly looked forward to Diwali. Be it bursting crackers, wearing new dress or eating sweets, it was all exciting! But the part I enjoyed the most was the family get-together we had at our home. Unfailingly, …show more content…

Indians are true to the phrase that sharing is caring! One such popular edible gift is Laddu. Be it a promotion, or a birthday celebration, or any religious event, these small round bites are sure to be there on the table. These are the perfect gift choice as it is easy to prepare, easy to pack and has a longer shelf life when compared to other Indian sweets. Laddu or Ladoo, derived from the Sanskrit word Ladduka, (meaning, a small ball) is a popular sweet variety throughout South Asia. The origin of laddu is fortuitous. It is believed that a famous ancient Indian physician, named, Sushruta (one who laid the foundation for the Ayurvedic system) used these as medicines. He was a legendary surgeon in the Indian medical profession and used Til, also known as sesame seeds, as an antiseptic to treat his patients after surgery. To ease the consumption of sesame seeds, he coated the seeds with jaggery and honey and gave these to his patients. Something that was used for medicinal purposes, gradually led to the birth of one of the most popular sweet throughout the country. Even till date, “til ke laddu”, the sesame sweet balls are common

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