Chapter Summary: The Nature And Personalities Of Life

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Nature and personalities are the two most important topics in life’s survival according to the mind of this author, as nature is the sum total of all things in time and space. Nature was from the beginning of time, including the universe and all it planets. From the beginning of time the wind, water, fire and gravity, and all elements were created by the mighty forces of nature. It was nature that that caused the universe to be created including all the hundreds or more elements. In the views of the author, the wind is believed to be the first in creation, because its duties were to move the planets into their respective orbits, and just think about how the mighty force of Natures Wind blew and still is the mighty force that hold the many clouds apart as the mighty force of nature’s Gravity hold all elements with weight in it specific orbits. It doesn’t make any different where ones goes in or outer space, there will be an element of wind.
The Planet Earth is the only planet where life in known to exist, yes there are beliefs that life does exist on other planets in the …show more content…

Unit labor costs became much lower for machine labor than they were for human labor, and Sonny Babe the father was a child when manual labor changed to the machine industry after spending most of my childhood during manual labor. The overhead for the transportation of slaves was high and profitability of the trade decreased. The slave trading nations realized that there were more profits to be made by colonization than by peaceful slave trade. Towards the end of the 18th century, a minority opinion in England and in the United States spoke up against this inhuman trade. They were helped in their cause by the Industrial Revolution. The British Parliament abolished the slave trade over the Atlantic in 1808. Slavery was abolished and ratified in 1865 by President Abraham

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