Save As Many As You Ruin By Simon Van Booy Analysis

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Save as Many as You Ruin It is not often life grants you a second chance. But when it does you have to seize it. Whether it seems like the right choice or not, it is much better regretting making a decision than it is regretting missing an opportunity twice. Because even though you feel like your life is ruined or over, remember that a single choice can turn it all around and save it. Looking up and seeing the light and colors can change your life forever. And even though you, living on this planet orbiting that sun in this universe, are irrelevant to the big picture, you are not irrelevant to the people around you. The short story “Save as Many as You Ruin” written by Simon Van Booy, is about the man Gerard who, on his way home from …show more content…

2-3). He is walking through a gray street, it is getting dark and it is not snowing. It also at the very start of the story Gerard reflects on how he will not be remembered, how he has not achieved anything grand and also on topics from the past such as the holocaust. These are all things that point in a depressing direction. As the story continues, Gerard starts to think about his daughter and his endless love for her. He recalls how she moves and acts at home and things that makes his love for her obvious. It then suddenly starts snowing, and the street he walks through gets lighter, with more color and generally a happier feeling: “Yellow taxis are nodding through the snowy dusk. The lights from shop windows are beckoning” (l. 27-28), “Her legs are swinging under the table in concentration. He has never known such devotion” (l. 32-33). Now Gerard starts to think about a specific episode with Lucy. He is recalling this just before he spots Laurel and the snow is almost a blizzard. As he sees Laurel all things about the insignificance of life disappears. He is now only thinking of his time with Laurel and, as their conversation goes on, about

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