Serecy The Secret Serrogate Wife Analysis

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I recently heard the pathetic story of a man who was building a fantastic house somewhere at the outskirt of the city without the knowledge of his only wife, but made it known to his bosom friend by keeping the document in his custody.

Unfortunately for him, he died before the completion of the project and the wife innocently stumbled on the detail in his diary. She confronted the so called friend, but he denied the possession of the document, claiming that he only mentioned it to him without showing him the location. Such wife may struggle hard to overcome the sad memory of her late husband’s distrust for her all through life, except for grace.

There is another funny story of a wife who successfully built a house without the …show more content…

“And they were both naked; the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” Genesis 2:25.

This shows that God’s original plan for marriage is devoid of any secret between the husband and the wife. The man should see and know everything about the wife and vise versa in all things, since they are both one flesh. But the devil on the contrary has successfully destroyed this principle in many homes by introducing double dealing and privacy through the craftiness and deception of the heart. Some men have established a kingdom in a private room apart from their matrimonial room where they take solace and shelter from the “interactive disturbances” of their wife. This is the beginning of gradual disintegration and indirect separation in that marriage.

There should be nothing like “my room” or “your room” in marriage. Although you can have a second room apart from your matrimonial room, which you can call any name of your choice; maybe study or prayer room. Both of you must have access to it for it 's designated usage and not a hideout for secret agenda; especially in times of any little misunderstanding in the

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