Short Story: The Fairytale Of Fearless Bella

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The fairytale of fearless Bella. Once upon a time in a faraway place in your magical dreams was a city called fantasyland. In fantasyland, anything is possible. Where talking animals and superheroes like spiderman and wonder woman will come to help you, place where there is never a problem... that is until one day… a horrible day for a poor princess named Bella. Bella was a beautiful kind girl she was eight years old and always had her pleasant dog Sarrah around her. Bella and Sarah are like the best animal friends, they were always together. Sadly both Bella and her dog Sarrah never got to go outside to see the people around them or enjoy the fun sunny days they could only see from their windows. There was no other place Sarah and Bella …show more content…

She tiptoed as fast as she could to the large window near her small but old and dark room Bella put Sarrah down on the wood floor of her bedroom and started to try to open the large window. When it was open Bella started to put down her heavy long brown hair threw her bag down and asked Sarrah to climb down it, Sarrah was very scared, but soon she knew she needed to be fast, so she doggy crawled the long brown hair of Bella. Next Bella had to get down but how? Bella decided to throw the soft blanket she made out of wool down the window and a few soft pillows she had also made and she would jump off the window and land on the soft pillows would Bella be able to jump off without getting hurt? She said to herself that she could do it because she was fearless, so she took a long deep breath and jumped off the window. She woke up to Sarrah licking her face she had landed on the pillows!she stood up right away and picked up her bag, she felt the bright soft green grass under her feet for the first time. But Sarah started tell Bella to hurry up “wooof wooof” yelled Sarrah “okay” Bella said your right we need to get out of here fast before any of the guards see us. Then as fast as Bella could think she put Sarrah in her backpack and started to run as fast as she could. She ran through the spooky green forests for a long time till she saw a very tiny wood house the size of a bedroom. Bella walked towards the tiny gray house and knocked on the door three times “thud” looked like there was nobody inside. She opened the door and went inside it was a very scary looking house it had big spiderwebs and a dust floor a small picture on the wall too, it was hard to see the picture so Bella went closer and closer when she saw the picture looked like something she has seen before but what? The picture was a girl with the same hair as Bella but with a purple color. All of a sudden

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