To further highlight this problem Critser explains that, “Beyond the immediate contribution of more calories to the diet, the very nature of modern snacking may be pushing children toward obesity” (Critser pg.41). The companies that had the largest stake in this market ran extensive ad campaigns directed at children, though the products that they produced were anything but conducive to healthy childhood growth and development. To compound this problem even further was the fact that already underfunded schools were jumping at the opportunity to earn substantial amounts of money in partnering with these corporations. To go into further detail it’s explained that, “For agreeing
No matter where people go, there are always a fast food restaurant or vending machines filled with unhealthy products everywhere. A Yale University psychology professor states, “While you’re pumping gas you punch in Fritos, the Twinkies and the Coke, and somebody brings it to your car. So the physical activity required to go in and get is eliminated.” (Murray). Fast food industries make it difficult to prevent obesity from local communities, since fast food restaurants are placed at every corner.
In agreement with said statistics, Michael Pollan states, “People eating a western diet are prone to a complex of chronic diseases that seldom strike people eating more traditional diets.” (421). In other words, consumers who take part of the western diet can, and most likely will, contract a chronic disease compared to those who choose the healthier or more traditional styles of eating. Who would’ve thought that something so insignificant as a single hamburger or large sized fountain drink could be so harmful? Well, it turns out that these items can be very much so.
Moreover bad eating habits start in childhood regardless of weight. Some things that allow us to eat so irresponsibility is our busy lifestyles and poor choices. It seems that there is no escape from the fast food industry at times. It appears on billboards, the radio, and most importantly television. The few benefits of fast food include that it is quick and affordable, which if you are on a budget and busy, fits perfectly into your already chaotic schedule.
Candy. At banks, what do they offer the kids? Candy. Kids are exposed to junk food, not only in commercials, but at stores, bank, and at home. If they minimize the junk food commercials, then maybe at checkout line they will start offering healthier snack options, or even in the bank.
Food production has become a problem in america because food companies selling fast food to america and its unhealthy for us. America should also be aware that marketing fast food and snacks that's is unhealthy to children will lead to obesity. Kids need to stop eating fast food because they are getting desicise with they are too young to get. Children are getting sick from the product from eating unhealthy snacks and fast food because the food companies are putting unhealthy things in product. The problem with this because we are eating animals that we should never eat.
The Western diet is one huge national issue in the US. The outcome of consuming processed food and unhealthy food is on the individual. But this problem is needless if everyone controls what they intake and starts eating in moderate. Chronic diseases caused from obesity would be lowered down if just everyone kept their diet in moderate. Even though fast food is widely spread everywhere it's difficult to avoid, but remember the consequence of eating fast food every day.
Such as it would have students starting to bring there own food more often to school do to the fact not every student wants to eat healthy. Witch is bad if the school goal of the school is to get students to eat healthier. With schools taking away all the good foods they have left that students like to eat . Students would simply just start to just bring there own food witch would be worst far as trying to be health. Instead of students eating a descent healthy
Zinczenko explains that in America today, the easiest food option to acquire is Fast food, as it is cheap and located virtually everywhere across the country. There are more fast food options than healthy foods. Healthy food is also more expensive, and low-income households can’t afford such expensive meal options. While fast food is more affordable to purchase, the health effects it has on the human body are detrimental. Obesity rates and diabetes seen in children have been on the rise since fast food companies have taken over the American adolescent diet.
For those who may not have as large of an income as other Canadians, access to to healthy food can be difficult. Prepackaged and and fast food tend to be more readily available and a cheaper alternative to nutritious options. In turn, the consumption of fast food and prepackaged food can lead to many health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Another area of underlying health contributors is living conditions. Those who are living in low socio-economic status may have living conditions that expose more health risk factors.
Sugar especially is the culprit when it comes to health problems from food. Sugars are addictive empty calories providing no nutritional value thus causing you to over eat and intake excess calories which will turn into fat. Studies even show that the consumption of sugar can cause endorphins to be released into the brain as a reward system or to feel good from the sugar consumed, which causes you to eat more. It is
Providing soft drink’s at school would let the kids to more of a choice for their beverage during school lunchtime. A district once decided to try a test and “the
That is why many propose regulating the purchases of carbonated drinks pact with sugar, or more commonly known as soda. One can of soda contains about 2.5 tablespoons of sugar, and on average, 9% of the daily calories consumed per person is from soda. Due to the high numbers of obesity in America, soda’s and other drinks high in sugar, should be regulated. Obesity can lead to many health problems. Some issues that can potentially occur because of what the person is eating include diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, body pains, and potential death (in fact, one article in The New York Times claimed sugar, more particularly soda, to “might just be the biggest killers via preventable disease in the country”
A major reason for regulating sugary drinks is to prevent non-communicable diseases among children. If children consume sugary beverages every day, they may experience symptoms such as: weight gain, poor diet and health and tooth decay in children. Meanwhile, there is less control of sugar level which leads to diabetes. Another reason for regulating sugary drinks is to reduce pollution. Literature Review Sugary drinks are a major contributor to the obesity epidemic.
They are also very low nutrient rich vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and fiber. If you start eating badly, than it can lead you to poor eating habits. If you have bad eating habits, than it can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic diseases. For example, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, “obesity in children and adolescents have tripled in the past 30 years. In 2007–2008 almost 17 percent of children and adolescents aged 2–19 years were obese.