Why Not Conceal Carry? On April 16, 2007, 32 people were murdered and another 23 were wounded, either by Seung-Hui Cho, the man doing the killing, or by jumping out of windows to escape him. That day Seung-Hui Cho used a Glock 19 and a Walther P22 to commit the second deadliest shootout in US history. While many people, like Josh Sugarmann and his Concealed Carry Killers report would have one believe that allowing people to conceal carry on campus would of made things worse, but I believe just the opposite.
It states that our nation was in one of the worst spasms of violence with guns alone at colleges. This article also states that over the past few years, almost fifteen states have made it a whole lot easier for teachers, students and even administrators to carry concealed weapons on campus. Starting in August of 2016, Texas Lawmakers are going to make carrying a concealed weapon on campus legal. The main point I get from this article is that everyone thinks that the law enforcement should be the only ones to be able to carry concealed weapons on or around college
(Smith, T.N. 2012) The students and staff while on campus who are protecting themselves or another should not be subject to arrest or be punished for a crime. Students need to properly educate the public on the benefits of carrying guns on the campus. By states not allowing guns on campus it is making a target for the shootings. Research says there are more rapes, assaults, and robberies than killings.
The only way to restrict firearms on elementary and secondary campuses is to restrict the carrying of firearms. There are two predominant ways to restrict firearms on college campuses. The two approaches as stated in Guns on Campus: A History, are “prohibition in dorms and university-owned housing (on campus and off) and prohibition on carrying weapons on campus (Guns on Campus: A History, 201, p.413). There are many reasons that organizations and people argue for these restrictions to be in place on campus. The other side is trying to argue that the second amendment provides that all persons should be able to “keep and bear arms” including on
Hypothetically, a law is passed stating that teachers are allowed to carry guns in school. In a sick twisted world, the teacher becomes the school shooter. Your student is in class and their teacher pulls out their government funded school weapon and starts shooting. How is your child supposed to protect themselves if the approved district teacher starts shooting the students with a malicious intent. Teachers should not be allowed to carry guns at school.
Students today live their day-to-day lives in constant fear of what seems inevitable. The United States has one of the highests rates of school shootings in the world. Society has become so desensitized to these shootings that they are no longer shocked to hear about another school falling victim to it. Even when students take a stand against gun violence, the only solution offered to them is a proposition to arm teachers. However, bringing more guns into a school will only further deteriorate the situation.
According to Armed Capuses.org, “The overwhelming majority of the 4,400 colleges and universities in the United States prohibit the carrying of firearms on their campuses”. The controversy that surrounds the concealed carry on college campuses vary from negative comments to positive comments. The focus should not be would weapons make people feel uncomfortable like most articles are introducing. The main focus
Several studies mention that licensed concealed carry weapons aren’t involved in crimes that happen on campus. Certain individuals that do commit crimes on and off campus, generally don’t go through background checks to obtain legal concealed weapons. Gun permit requirements vary by state but most require that applicants are the legal minimum age, complete a safety course and have sound criminal and mental histories (Collins). Allowing students to carry concealed weapons on campus could be considered dangerous; however, having these students’ complete safety courses and go through testing that proves they are mentally capable could prevent it from being dangerous. Certain campuses also don’t allow students to carry conceal in classrooms or in dorms.
For this reason, security professionals believe that arming students shoot back would actually make matters worse in the extremely rare instances where mass shootings occur on campus.” This can create a bigger problem than the one before. Such accidental shootings are not accountable for which leaves families of innocent victims upset and frustrated because justice is never served. According to The Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus “Despite the horrific shootings at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois, college campuses are far safer than the communities that surround them. Ninety three percent of the violence against college students occurs off campus, where guns are widely available.
There has been a long standing debate in America regarding open carry. Some people believe that open carry will help protect others from harm. Recently, on June 1, 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the Campus Carry Law, allowing licensed holders to carry a handgun on college and university campuses, effective next year, August 1, 2016. Gun Control laws need to be controlled, that is indeed true, proven by the 335 public shootings in the country this year alone. Open carry will not be a solution to this growing problem, it may in fact help increase its numbers.
Patrick McAndrew Mrs.Scruggs English III 10-May-2016 Today many people around the world and even in the US are scared about the next shooting and where it will take place. Many states don 't allow concealed carry on school grounds because they believe that the students are not ready for a responsibility like carrying a gun. Eight states in the US allow concealed carry on campus because the state has voted on it and passed it through government. Other states such as Georgia have discussed the topic on concealed carry but very very will vote for it because they feel students and faculty are not ready for such a big responsibility.
Should Public College Campuses Allow Guns? In recent years, there have been many shootings in education institutions like colleges, high schools or universities, making us have discussions on enforcing gun control. Naturally, there are people who oppose the use of guns on college campuses, but there are also people who agree with the use of guns. It’s unfortunate to hear that Texas will be one of eight states to allow the carrying of concealed weapons on public college campuses, joining Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi among others (Fernandez, Montgomery). There are important reasons why guns should not be allowed on College Campuses.
But even if we do this does not mean that more deaths will not occur as a result of this, in the heat of the moment people are not going to be thinking about what is the safest thing to do they are just going to shoot. So it is not safe at all to allow any type of guns in the college campus. Lastly, permitting guns in the college campus in very unsafe thing to do. If we allow guns in college, students in the dorms might steal it and commit even more violence. It is very possible that gun can go off by accident.
In order to nurture a healthy learning environment at America’s schools and universities, it is critical that students as well as faculty feel safe on campus. Recent pandemonium of violent crimes on campus has many pro-gun activists suggesting that both the Students and Teachers should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on
Campus Carry Should teachers and students be allowed to carry guns on campus? It would decrease the probability of a school shooting and if one does happen they can intervene quicker. Staff and students should be allowed to get a special permit to carry on college campuses. Today’s staff and students are responsible enough to carry on college campus. Professional staff and some students are above the age of twenty-one which is the legal age to carry.