Sleep At Night: A Case Study

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Speaking personally, I consider sleep as a chore to be postponed for as long as possible. But sleepiness is a tenacious, unrelenting enemy, and drowsiness can have all the compassion of a 2*4 to the back of the head. I find it vaguely unsettling that every day, we humans experience the irresistible compulsion to pass out, and then remain unconscious for hours upon hours. We simply accept the involuntary stupor as natural when we really ought to be mortified.
All told, we humans spend about one third of our lives lying very still with our eyes closed. if a person sleep for thirty years of life than live for ninety year of age What a waste. But is it feasible to reclaim that part of your life by dropping or eliminating sleep, without unnecessary side effects?
A Ukrainian man named Fyodor Nesterchuk claims that he has not slept since the mid 1980s but the medical community expresses strenuous doubts on this claim, suggesting the alternate explanation that perhaps Mr. nesterchuk is a big fat liar.
There are plenty of chemical ways to keep sleep at bay, at least for a time…but the sleep debt must always be repaid, or the body and mind will suffer. Modafinil, a drug used to treat narcolepsy ( a disorder involuntary sleep during normal waking hours), has been tested on normal individuals, and shown to remove a person’s urge to sleep. It can also …show more content…

Even irreversible damage will soon follow, then death.this has been proved by one study on the rats which died when were not allowed to sleep for 2 weeks.. It is also evidenced by a very rare human brain disease called Fatal Familial Insomnia, where an adult individual slowly loses the ability to sleep, and the victims experience all of the above symptoms gradually over a few months. This disease ultimately death after the stages of dementia, permanent personality changes, motor paralysis, and ultimately

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