When it comes to banning a book, many different criteria have to be met. With books in high school, it can be very controversial with parents as to which books need to be banned. In Schools, books are banned from things like foul language, sexual content, of just speaking about things parents or the school board may not like. In this book Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli, it is being banned because it is a story about a little Jewish boy and how it was during the Holocaust. Dean Schneider on Bookpage.com says, “Underlying this story of war and the Holocaust is a young boy’s search for a name and something to believe in.”
Elie Wiesel’s Night should not be banned from the book list for ninth grade because it is a book that teaches very important lessons despite the fact that it contains violent scenes. The book shows that we should treat people in a good way even if they are not like us. It reveals the horrible consequences of inhumanity, the meaningless suffering and unbearable pain of innocent people. These reasons show that the book is very important for the grown-ups because it deals with fundamental questions about humanity and moral values.
Some people believe that books should not be banned from schools because they need to learn what happened. The first reason is that the books can be about our history and they used some words that are know bad. In the book Animal Farm “The three hens who had been ringleaders in the attempted rebellion over the eggs now came forward and stated that snowball had appeared to them in their dreams and incited to disobey napoleon 's orders” (Orwell 84).The book Animal Farm by George Orwell is a good book, but on page 84 the leader of the farm murdered 3 hens because they were rebelling to save their kids. Some people think that Animal Farm should be banned for having murder in the book but thats what happened back then during the russian revolution.
Others have decided not to ban it, because of the first amendment. Although banning Fahrenheit 451 would be an infringement on the author's right to speak freely, the long-lasting mental and physical devastation to the children reading this book that arises as a result of
The books are normally banned for good intention or causes to protect the public, especially the young audience from controversial ideas. Reference to
Ironically, Fahrenheit 451 is one of the most banned books in American schools. The book was seen as evil for ideas like opposing the suppression of freedom by parties that presumed they had all the answers. Books such as Fahrenheit 451, 1984, Brave New World, The Giver, and The Hunger Games have been banned in schools, and they all explore the themes of suppressing freedom, information, and intellectual thinking. Prohibiting these books will only lead less thought; it will lead to the ultimate demise of society. If we do not learn from them, we will become them.
Just because a book that was written many decades ago may have bad words in it, doesn’t mean that it should be withheld from the students. Additionally, the educational value of, The Catcher in the Rye would be totally lost if a book is banned just for containing “explicit” language. Sophomore students are at the age where they are old enough to know what is appropriate and what isn’t and they can read a book that has bad words in it. If a book is banned because of its explicit content, that overshadows the educational content and the moral lessons that the reader would take away from reading this book.
A book should not ever be banned when it contains a strong message that is not found in other “safe”
Every child deserves a proper education. Banned books are depriving students of a well rounded, culturally aware, literary education because of the culture that is discarded, the history that is being withheld, and the education that young people could get through these banned books. The point of history is to learn from it and learn from others mistakes, but how can we do that if we are not allowed to learn it. As teachers shouldn’t you be teaching us how to make judgment calls like understanding that Mark Twain was a racist, but a man of his time and that doesn’t change him being an amazing writer. We cannot learn things such as that if we cannot even read most of Mark Twain’s books.
Also, some say that you should not be exposing bad behavior or language to students but in reality they hear and see these things everyday, and by banning a book, that is not protecting them. Writers have the freedom to write whatever they want and that is a part of the First Amendment, so why banned their book? “The First Amendment allows individuals to speak, publish, read and view what they wish, worship (or not worship) as they wish, associate with
Moreover, it takes away a citizen 's first amendment and the right to free speech. Lastly, the series, Harry Potter has inappropriate topics that led it to being banned like magic, sorcery, and witchcraft. Some books are frequently banned in schools because they contain profanity/slurs, and explicit content; however, some people argue that these precisely same books are worth reading because they teach extremely crucial life lessons, and defends the First Amendment. There are multiple reasons why parents are banning books.
It denies individuals of finding out about their general surroundings. Books should not be banned because of what they appear to be. For instance, restricting books are unlawful and not valuable for schools. '' I don't think a school board can wrap its political concerns in the cloak of educational suitability,'' Mr. Levine said (“Book-Banning Arguments are heard ”). The statement is vital in light of the fact that it gives
There are both pros and cons to banning book in school. According to ProCon.org, “Parents have the right to decide what material their children are exposed to and when.” Parents have the right to ban books so they can protect their children from violent content. Children need to be protect from content that could scar them. ProCon.org also states that “Children should not be exposed to sex, violence, drug use, or other inappropriate topics in school or public libraries.”
A parent or the student should be the one who decided whether or not the book is appropriate. Also, when a child is sheltered from the world, a book with just a bit of adult material could help them understand what really happens. It could prepare them so when they do become older and get a job, the world doesn’t put them into complete shock. Taken from Common Reasons for Banning Books, “…it is important that the reader makes his/her judgments on the book.” To elaborate on this, another person shouldn’t tell a student what and what not to read.
Also, some say that you should not be exposing bad behavior or language to students but in reality they hear and see these things everyday, and by banning a book, that is not protecting them. Writers have the freedom to write whatever they want and that is a part of the First Amendment, so why banned their book? “The First Amendment allows individuals to speak, publish, read and view what they wish, worship (or not worship) as they wish, associate with