
Sicko Film Summary

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Sicko is an American documentary by Michael Moore which explores the status of health care in America. In my opinion, he has presented a clear-cut viewpoint that American health care is not producing results. Nearly half a hundred million Americans, according to Sicko, are not insured while the rest, who are insured, are often sufferers of insurance company deceit and also red tape. Additionally, Sicko mentions that the United States health care system is placed 37th out of 191 by the W.H.O. with definite health measures, like the neonate death and life probability, equivalent to countries with quite less financial wealth. Interviews are carried out with individuals who supposed they had sufficient coverage but were deprived of care. Previous …show more content…

Sicko is an accusation of the United States’ health care structure, emphasizing insurance horror tales and profiling states/countries with complete health attention. Moore has used an emotional appeal in the documentary. (Marmor, 2007) The two issues Moore has discussed are the health system and political conditions. However, “Sicko,” struggles to convey the fact that the American scheme of private medical protection is a cataclysm, and also that a state-run scheme, like one that is present almost everywhere else in the developed world, would be the best. The richest country over the globe behaves its persons like disposable trash. Not fairly as good and pleasant as previous similar documentaries. The one objection I have related to the documentary is that every American ought to be as lucky as I have been. As Moore clarifies in his movie, some fifty million Americans have zero insurance and even no mode to get that. Several of the insured find out their policies are useless after insurance detectives recite an infinite list of conditions and processes that are uncovered, or realize "pre-existing terms" the patients "must" have recognized about. One female, comatose when she is placed into an ambulance, is billed for the tour all because her insurer utters it wasn’t pre-approved. Now how could she get authorized agreement when she was dying on the pavement? (Marmor,

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