Significant Event In Life Essay

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There have not been many significant events in my young life. However one event has changed my life and even shaped me as a person working with young people. Youth work can be divided into many areas, many of which helping young people who don’t get a lot in life.
I became involved through the youth club in my local community because I went on a residential with them and they told me I had a good potential. They asked me to go on a few more because I always done my best and was different from the rest of the group and I was very interested. they asked me to go on more until I was a bit older then they mentioned being part of the team and doing voluntary work and working with young people from deprived areas, it took me a bit of time to get to know the other people who worked there and the young people we work with and throughout the year I have worked there I have been to loads of meeting and interviews, I have also worked alongside a lot of well-known people like Ricky Ross and …show more content…

This is heart breaking but the other side is heart-warming as people from the community organisations donate money and clothes for them to get out of the family problems for a duration of time for the benefit of the family and also the young person, I like taking them kayaking and canoeing because it lets them see that they can enjoy their self’s while learning a life time skill and also working alongside others and cooperating as part of a team , I won’t forget one wee boy called jamesy who was always un sure of water scared of boats and we took him out kayaking for a 2 day trip and took him out his comfort zone and now loves going on boats and kayaking and even being in the

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