Throughout life, many instances arise where courage, strength, and valor are needed to complete the task at hand; whether it be Superman, Batman or the Green Lantern, there are many men that show these traits when the face their enemies. When these men face their own personal challenges, each one goes to battle with many strengths and many weaknesses that threaten their lives. These men, when they are faced with possibly the thing that could potentially kill them in battle; they must choose how they react to the pressure that builds up in their lives. Likewise, Samuel Parris, John Hale, and John Proctor are heroes in the book entitled the Crucible; they must put aside their lives and their integrity to be able to tell the truth despite the morbid circumstances surrounding them. These men, and the way that they were able to cope with the pressure put in front of them, to the point of death, is really what
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As he is busy accusing other people of their superstitions, Hale tried to keep his wits about him, “Have no fear now-we shall find him out if he has come among us”(43). This shows the reader and the other characters that Hale is very confident in his job and that he is not willing to give it up for anything. Hale seems to be very arrogant as he goes about his work in the beginning of the text. “We cannot look to superstition in this. The Devil is precise..” (35) This shows that Hale is so involved in his work that he could possibly end up accusing someone who was not guilty of witchcraft. Hale seems overly conscious about his own life and his duty to serve the people to find the devil in Salem; he doesn’t seem to like the idea that he himself could be wicked. This shows that Hale too, did not show himself to be truthful and courteous when it came to the