Similarities Between The US Constitution And The Magna Carta

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The Scientific Revolution in the 1600s had transformed the way Europeans looked at the world. The English Bill of Rights was developed in 1689 and the support of citizen’s natural rights had tremendously influenced leaders of the American Revolution and the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in 1789. The Magna Carta proposed to King John in 1215 helped unify England and developed the Parliament, which later became England’s legislature. The principles in the Magna Carta shaped modern English law and government, as well as influenced establishment of the US government as well. The political ideas in the Bill of Rights were seen in the documents of the Constitution. The three similarities are: The English Bill of …show more content…

The American founding fathers also believed in the stated rights of citizens, who in terms provided the Bill of Rights, which are the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution made with the intent to ensure citizens' protection against the over-powering national government. The Magna Carta was a clear inspiration for the United States founders because they included several of its provisions in the Bill of Rights. These amendments include language taken from the Magna Carta: Section 39 of the Magna Carta contains the law of the government which limits their power to imprison citizens unless their peers find the punishment to be just. We see that in the Sixth Amendment, it ensures American citizens will receive a fair trial by jury in all criminal proceedings. In the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, the founders incorporated a similar version of the same language that prevents the national government from taking citizens’ “life, liberty or property," except when done according to due process of law. Section 20 of the Magna Carta has similar language to the Eighth Amendment since it includes the same