Harmful Effects Of Single Parent Families

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Over the past decades the pattern of family structure have changed dramatically in the society. An increase in the number and proportion of children born outside of marriage and arise in divorce rates have contributed to a threefold increase in the proportion of children. Growing up In a single parent families since 1960.many researcher have been done over the past years and they support the notion of children being raised by their both parents who have low conflict relationship. When seen only as presiding over a child's growth, parenting can be frustrating and burdensome. However, when seen as an opportunity for personal growth for adults, parenting is one of the most creative and affirming experiences that life offers. It can be a mutual …show more content…

Maginis states children from single parent families are more likely to have behavior problems because they tend to lack economic security and adequate time with parents, he agrees with notion that in order to avoid behavior problems children should not be raised from single parents for they lack economic security . Its true children from single parent’s family can lack economic securities but I tend to differ that it has harmful effect on the child. As a young girl who grew up with lots of hardship due single parenthood I was always aware about our financial problems if I wanted. Something my mother would plan and save for it maybe I would get it maybe not. Unlike some children who would cause a scene in a mall just because they wanted a piece of cookie I knew NO meant a NO and that notion has helped me to be a hardworking and responsible person in the society today. That’s why I would like to differ with the most of the people in the society today that the only way children can gain full emotional and behavioral skills are to be raised by both …show more content…

They treasure their family legends and traditions. They view themselves as links between the past and the future by honoring their elders and welcoming their babies. They are able to change their power structure, role relationships, and rules in response to changing situations. They are able to share power and decision making among their members. They communicate their feelings, concerns, and interests and listen and respond to what others have to say. Their styles of communication are clear and open, and individuals are encouraged to take responsibility for their feelings, thoughts, and actions. They spend time together but also value individual privacy and pursue independent

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