Situation Of Children Essay

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Situations of children post-divorce

Between 0-2 years

Children between 0 years to 2 years need constant supervision from their parents. At that age, children are highly dependent of their parents. In many households, both parents are there to take care of their children. But what happens when there is only one available parent? The parent who took on the main responsibility of the child will develop strong emotional ties to it. Couple separation can lead to intense emotional distress and some individuals may not know how to deal with such a situation. It is beneficial for both parents to provide care and time to their infant. Increased conflicts can increase stress for the infants as well as for the parents.

Between 2-5 years

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At that age children are more independent from their parents, regardless of if they are separated or not. They need to spend more time on their own. Some will start making friends, boyfriends or girlfriends at or outside of school. Some also go through teenager or adolescent crises. Some parents will be extremely stressed out by their children's behaviours. In some situations, parents may not know what to do and how to behave with their children. Most of the time, they need enough space and time to deal with themselves and the possible separation of their parents. If children are pressured too much, they may react differently and may withdraw for a certain time. They may show anger or may even reject their parents.

16 and over
At this age, teenagers or adolescents are more knowledgeable and understand separation between their parents. They may feel shame in front of their friends whose parents are still together. They may also feel unsettled knowing that they will have to live with one parent at a time. By this age, adolescents also have other priorities and their parents may become secondary. They may have problems at school, which can also be very stressful. They may go through hardships and this can harm their self-esteem. They may feel troubled seeing their parents argue, especially if arguments are

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