Literature Review On Gingivitis

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3. Background and Literature Review
3.1 Introductory Statement.

The supporting structures of the teeth; periodontal ligaments, alveolar bone and the cementum, are affected severely by periodontitis, or other periodontal disease. A chronic inflammatory disease, brought on by bacterial(2) biofilms along the gingival margin, seeping, deep to the dental root. Seemingly attributed to a change in the oral microflora; species, and population, along with poor oral hygiene. Initially, symptoms present as Gingivitis, progressively deteriorating to loss of attachment, periodontal pockets deepen, which contain anaerobic bacteria, responsible for the loosening of teeth and sustained bone loss. Both the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Centre for …show more content…

Unsurprisingly, the skeletal system is a living organ, which, habitually requires reparation, which further adds to the complexity of bone.
Bone remodelling; a byzantine-coupling between osteocells and immune cells; the remodelling involves a six-step cycle through states of, Quiescence, Resorption, Reversal, Formation, Mineralisation returning to a state of Quiescence. The bone remodelling process ensures prompt repair of microfractures, an exceedingly successful process.
Whereupon, the replacement of all spongy/trabeculae bone occurs every 3-5years, and within a 10-year period, an adult’s skeletal system will undergo complete replacement. As a consequence of disease, the balance of this remodelling process skews, creating complications either side. Extra deposition of calcium adversely affects bone; leading to Osteopetrosis(21); displaying pathophysiologies such as low blood cell production, regular bone infections, blindness/deafness or even facial nerve paralysis. Conversely, an overabundance of Osteoclasts (OC), leaning the process in favour of increased resorption, leading to Osteoporosis or Paget's

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