Smeal College Personal Statement

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By nature, I am adventurous; I like to understand the world around me. As Benjamin Franklin stated, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” I resonate with this quote because I explore my interests best when I am fully involved in a lesson, experiment, or discussion. The Smeal College-and its student organizations-offers unparalleled business opportunities that can be tailored to fit my specific needs which will allow me to conquer in its entirety my academic and intellectual ventures. Harmonizing business courses with opportunities such as internships and studying abroad at the Smeal College is perhaps the most pivotal way in which I will explore my academic endeavors. The chance for me to major in Risk Management with a concentration in real estate and minor in international business is particularly enticing because I will have the opportunity to learn from situations where I will be forced to think on my feet; the leadership skills that I have learned thus far from National Honor Society and from my real estate internship will allow me to succeed in doing so. Likewise, international travel is a way for me to enhance my knowledge of business on a global scale; by traveling, I will become globally conscious, …show more content…

Naturally, I am infatuated with words. I see beauty and creativity in how people’s emotions are affected by writing. So, I plan on joining the WORDS group, where my admiration for writing will be further accentuated. In addition, my true passion lies in real estate, so it is intuitive that I will be joining the Real Estate Association. Similarly, service is equally as important as any other extracurricular, and Circle K will present me with the chance to show appreciation to my new community. Because of the flexibility of Smeal and its integrated approach, I will flourish as a

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