Social Approach Of Social Responsibility In The Fashion Industry

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the society. By society we mean the segments of society. Like local people, customer, workers. The social responsibility will help have a positive impact on the society. So company will intentionally try to help the society. Because everyone is the part of the society, so it’s our duty to perform duty towards it. Fashion industry is also part of the society so they have the equal responsibility to perform to society. Among this responsibility the responsibility towards workers is the key concern in here. And the responsibility will perform by following some approaches:

Philanthropy approach:
By Philanthropy approach of social responsibility means giving facility to society. It can be working facility, education facility or monetary help. What way it is given that does not matter the matter is helping the society. Many organizations use this social responsibility approach Because Philanthropy approach is known to be the best way to perform social responsibility. In fashion industry this approaches can be use full especially for the workers. In retail fashion industry it can be benefitted the workers who works having lots of problem. The worker’s salary is less and the same time they have more accident so it is use full for them. In case of Primark, they seem to doing this philanthropic activity. In 2013 when Rana plaza collapsed, more than1000 people died. And thousand more got injured. At that time Rana plaza has three garments who were working for Primark. May be they

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