Menstrual Cycle Of Adolescence

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Adolescence is a stage wherein physical development and hormonal balance changes and it is uncontrollable. Adolescence in Latin is “adolescere” that means “to grow up”, so technically, this is the stage where people experiences changes from being a kid to becoming a matured teenager. Adolescent problems occur during the stage of adolescence on which when a person is on this stage, they experience physical and emotional changes like: having pimples, unwanted hair that grows on specific parts of our body (armpits, mustache, and groins), menstrual cycle for women, body odor and controlling their behavior to understand others’ social gestures. According to the Britannica, adolescence may be defined as that period within the life span where most …show more content…

Adolescents rely more on their peers rather than on their parents (or the adults), so peer relationship is very important in their development. The most notable social phenomenon of adolescence is the emergence of the marked importance of peer groups. The adolescent comes to rely heavily on the peer group for support, security, guidance during a time when such things are urgently needed and since perhaps only others experiencing the same transition can be relied upon to understand what that experience is. The experiences in their childhood or early adolescence also plays a great role in the well-being of an adolescent. It may be brought to their adult …show more content…

It is not just the quality of friendship relationship but the choice of peers and their characteristics play a different role with social support too. Social support is important to a psychological well-being of an adolescent. Lack of fulfillment of social needs may lead to various conflicts like loneliness, depression, anxiety and low self-confidence. Building friendships are a skill that needs to develop since it can be for a life time support. Since peer relationships was built during this stage, it may last a lifetime. There are both positive and negative types of friendship where in friends are always there for them or there is a conflict and mistrust of friends. If there is a good relationship or positive friendship quality, there is a higher chance that the well-being and psychological health of an adolescent is good. It is one factor that makes adolescents feel satisfied and happy. It can also mean that the psychological well-being of an adolescent may be healthy. When there is a low quality friendship relationship, there is no source of support or care, it may develop into more serious problems through their adolescent stage and on the near future, their adult life. Friendship quality by any means needs to be taken care of and be nourished for it to last a

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