Delinquent Children Research Paper

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1. The socially handicapped or the delinquent children-causes of delinquency & remedial measure to deal with the delinquents
2. Mentally retarded-causes of mental retardation, various types of retardation, education provision for the retarded

Concept of Delinquent Child The incidences of juvenile anti-social behavior have tremendously increased in intensity and magnitude in recent years. Read nay daily newspaper and your will find several incidents involving teenagers in a variety of delinquent acts.’ The high percentage of recurrence of delinquent acts has become the concern of parents, teachers, social workers and psychologists. All are anxious to minimize its rising …show more content…

Bandura and Walters attack the problem of delinquency from different angle. They say that delinquency is the manifestation of frustrated needs of the child, which ultimately lead to aggression. Some psychologists hold the view that delinquency is under activity of the control nervous system. The individuals have genetically-based inability to learn clear responses to secondary situations. These persons cannot associate punishment with the behavior that brought it about. Herbert Quav, in his book juvenile delinquency, defines the delinquent then would be a person whose misbehavior is relatively serious legal offence, which is inappropriate to his level of development, is not committed as a result of extremely low intellect… and is alien to the culture in which he has been reared.” According to Travis Hirchi, “delinquent act is behavior that violates norms of the society and when officially known, it evokes a judgment by agents of criminal justice that such norms have been …show more content…

The individual by means of antisocial behavior attempts to gratify his reeds when he fails to gratify his needs by socially acceptable behavior. When the individual fails to reach his goal by socially acceptable means because of his incompetence or socio-economic barrier, he attempts to reach the goal by antisocial activities that we term as delinquent act. Let us illustrate this with an example. Suppose a child of 15 Years needs attention and approval of his parents but the parents do not pay heed to the legitimate needs of the child, he may engage in stealing money or bullying or any other destructive activities which may attract the attention of

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