Social Entrepreneurship Book Review

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This book discusses about different areas concerning Social Entrepreneurship. Some of the topics that are discussed in this book are, how business-like practices were being used to achieve noteworthy objectives, the revenue generating strategies of nonprofit organizations, analyzing the business model of an environmental-social enterprise etc. This book consists of information that were referenced mainly from conceptual papers and studies. This book aims to create and develop a new volume which gives readers new information and data, an information on social entrepreneurship that has never been discussed in other books before. The first chapter in this book entitled Social Entrepreneurship discusses about the areas that have already been discussed in the field of social entrepreneurship and provides recommendation for future research and new theoretical directions. First, they defined what social entrepreneurship is and thus paving way to the proposal of three avenues for future research and these are the comparative, corporate and collaborative avenues. The first chapter of this book greatly covers what has already been discussed in other books and other research materials and thus creating new ideas for future topic or areas to discuss on the future books that will be published. Having this kind of strategy/agenda makes this book exceptional because their objective is to create a book that has contents that are entirely new, and has fresh and updated analysis and research on social entrepreneurship. Also, with this kind of agenda, this will be able to create an opportunity to discover new information on the said area and avoid discussing topics that has already been elaborated in other books repeatedly.
The first part in the first chapter of this book covers what …show more content…

For Austin, social entrepreneurship is “innovative, social value creating activity that can occur within or across the nonprofit, business, and

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