Role Of Social Group Formation In IIT Mandi

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Social Group Formation in IIT Mandi By Vivek Sharma (B13239, Vipul Gupta (B13238) Introduction In sociology, a social group is defined as two or more humans who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and recognize them as a distinct social unit. The definition is pretty simple but it has significant implications. This report basically tells about how the formation of different types of social groups takes place in IIT Mandi. Human beings never life in isolation. One would rarely find them alone. Or we can say that human life is essentially a social life. Some people have defined social groups in the following way: According to Merrill: “Two or more persons are in communication over an appreciable period of time and who act in accordance with common function or purpose”. …show more content…

E.S Bogardus: “A number of persons, two or more who have the common objects of attention, who are stimulating to each other, who have common loyalty and participate in related activities are called as social group”. The term social group consists of two terms “social” and “group”. By the term social, we refer to the social relationships or shared behaviors. Accordingly, social group is a collection of interacting individuals who participate in similar activities and have a consciousness of joint interaction. There exists some degree of reciprocity and mutual awareness among the individuals. Along with mutual interaction, members of social groups have similar goals. The members interact in some established patterns. A definite relations exist among individuals which constitute a social

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