Social Media Impact On Youth

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This study aimed to identify the nature of social relations through these sites, and to detect the positive and negative effects of social media on teenager’s life resulting from the use of these sites. To achieve these objectives, the study relied on the social survey methodology and used the questionnaire to collect data. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are social media does have an important effect on teenagers whether in communication , education or other.

Keywords : Social media , Teenagers , Society ,Internet, Effects

Social media is a rich source of information and knowledge. It is a stimulating and entertaining educational tool for children. It is possible to watch and learn …show more content…

And approaches to work projects ready for implementation, so we cannot promise to communicate through the social networks fashion change over time. Online social networking sites are one of the latest and most popular communication technology products, although these sites were created primarily for social networking among individuals. The social networking sites today are important institutions that play an important role in educating young people and giving them correct habits and behaviors and an important tool of social change. The social and educational institutions have been interested in developing programs and activities for the students in order to take advantage of youth 's time to benefit them, And important things and development in the personality of the adolescent, the process of education is not just an education to the student only, but is a useful process to build a personality .The student in all respects, to instill the spirit of social responsibility and self-esteem, to assume responsibilities in life, and to try to find an integrated balance in all aspects of personality. Young people or what they called youth they benefit through social media sites from the …show more content…

In this research, the social survey method was used: a method of collecting data from large numbers of respondents through social media, such as Twitter, Facebook ,Intragam, What’s up and others. The social survey approach has been used to approach this approach from the nature of the descriptive study. It is one of the most appropriate approaches to the subject of this research because it depends on the description, analysis and interpretation through which it is possible to get to know the motives and reasons of using social networks and their different impact among young people Pros and limitations of negatives resulting from this use. The first three question in the survey was demographic questions because it will help us to demonstrates gender , ages. The important question was do you think social media is important this will show to us how much people care about social communication. The third theme of the questions was about teenagers and how social media effect their life. The means of communication contribute to the expansion of social relations and provide opportunities to share experiences and share ideas and opinions and view the events around them, and get a large amount of information. But these relationships may crystallize when communicating directly or remain within the framework of the network of virtual communication. In summary, it is very important to know the potential effects of

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