Social Network Model

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Andrew McCallum and Andr´es Corrada-Emmanuel presented Author-Recipient-Topic (ART) model. This is used for analyzing the social network with clustering of words to form topics from probabilistic language modeling. This model is useful for the component in systems for routing requests, expert-finding, message recommendation and prioritization, and understanding the interactions in an organization in order to make recommendations. Thus, the organizational efficiency can be improved. Explicitly capturing of multiple roles and grouping of roles were not performed in this paper. There is some difficult to analyze the user behavior in the social network
Yuchen Zhao et al. presented about the social roles and statuses that people act in online social …show more content…

presented a novel model for social network analysis. They analyzes the communicative content which is present in the social network, rather than analyzing the quantity of relationships (co-authorships, business relations, friendship, etc.). For capturing the content of communication, text mining and clustering techniques are used. It will also identify the most popular themes. The popularity is gained by the relevant themes of collaboration in social network for better cooperation. To facilitate the study of community, Visualization interface has been implemented by a social analyst. The drawback of this model is, focuses only on the communicative content and still it need a better topic analyzes across the …show more content…

mentioned, state-of-the-art of approaches regarding the identification of roles within a social network. The roles in the social network may be predefined, based on certain criteria such as a maximum number of out-links or in-links. Roles may also emerge from the link structure of the network. In any case the extraction of roles is significant for various reasons ranging from marketing to user-oriented. The status of a role depends on the context which is present in the social network. A person has a role in relation to something or someone. Approaches such as the block model and the probabilistic model reflect a more objective reality, in the sense that the role of a “manager” or the role of a “child” is a role based on definitions accepted by everyone. On the other hand, approaches that aim at the identification of roles within on-line discussions are more subjective, since it is not always straightforward to rank two actors that have similar characteristics. The social role of actors who participate in online discussions depends on their interests, their activity, and their recognition by others. These characteristics are not defined the same way by

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