Stereotypes Of Social Media

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The media can be a associated in many different terms, from social networking to presented news and things that are published online. The media can be defined as the mass of communication, a way that information is put out to massive amounts of the population so quickly, mainly through radios and television. Media and social networking can escalate news and can be the trigger of these types of crime. For example social network sites like Facebook and Twitter and known to be a big cause of bullying and and forms of abuse. In recent years social networking has become a lot more popular within society and mainly used by younger people, thus associating these types of crimes with the youth of society. ’85% of parents report that their child between …show more content…

Stating that an image can have many different representations and how we try to present something or someone may not be how society view it. The way that society now perceives young people is due to how media portrays them, One story that became big on the news was the 2011 London Riots and the relation it has to gangs. Young people usually become part of a gang for the safety and protection feeling, they are all apart of a family to protect each other and be there for each other, the idea of creating a family uint with other people of similar circumstances is no doubt attractive to the young person of which usually struggling with a difficult home life. However society see’s gang as a danger and associates them to a reason of crime because of how media represents them. Showing this during the London Riots, many people involved in this abuse were part of gangs, and the media showed most of the people to be the youth of society, saying that out of the 1,457 estimated people arrested, a staggering 305 were under the age of 18. During this particular news report young people were highly attacked, and blamed. This added to the negative image of what media creates for young people, showing the violent side and abusive side of youth. Yet what the …show more content…

Young people are commonly in a form of subculture whether they know it or not, as there are many types, from punks, to goths, gangs and even within a group of people who share the same interests. Hebdige states that you are usually associated to a subculture due to the style constructed through a combination of music interests, clothing, make up or drugs. The media then will create a perception of each subculture, depending on what it is. The dominant subculture of society is often seen as radical and leading to fear. Commonly people are afraid of certain subculture’s for example, drugs and gangs because of what people believe they’re associated with, which they are shown by the media. When the media associates a subculture with drugs a lot of the time people assume young people are involved because of the rise in drug use over previous years and society then get a perception that anyone associated with particular subculture are involved in some sort of drug crime or a type of crime. Another reason young people are given a bad image is through the resistance they have from being in these subcultures. For example the

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