Socrates Body Vs Soul Reflection Paper

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Body versus Soul Socrates believes that the human body negatively affects the soul. He states that the body is a distraction, and prevents one from pursuing the truth, or wisdom (102). The body must be ignored in order to allow the soul to obtain knowledge. This means that one must ignore urges such as lust, hunger, and much more in order to obtain the truth. The truth being wisdom. Wisdom being the fact that you know yourself. In regards to truth, and wisdom; it appears as though Socrates argument is valid. However, his later arguments become flawed. As the body is necessary for the development of oneself as a conscience individual. Things such as morality, and emotions stem from the body itself, and are vital to the creation of a righteous individual. Because someone who follows an idea blindly is not wise. To understand the flaws of Socrates argument, one must first divide his argument into parts. This because much of what Socrates says in regards to wisdom and truth is true, and holds a solid …show more content…

However, the flaws begin to arise when Socrates discusses the body in detail, and then explains why the body is only a distraction for the soul. Socrates believed that the body is human. So, is it not true that one must be human to obtain the truth philosophers are seeking. Is it not because of Socrates body, and being human that he was able to understand himself. However, we must know how accurate each piece of Socrates argument truly is. Is wisdom the truth? According to Socrates the truth is the wisdom of knowing oneself. His argument is valid in regards to what the authentic truth is. That truth being wisdom, or rather knowing yourself and what you do not know. This wisdom is what philosophers hope to discover on their journey of knowledge. They question the existence of everything, including themselves. However, philosophers need their bodies in order to make this journey of self

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