Software Project Planning Model

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Chapter 3 MODEL DECRIPTION The software project planning model addresses both the problems of project scheduling with required tasks and human resource allocation. The model is described in detail in the following way. 3.1 Description of Employees In the software development industry employees has the key role to make project successful. To manage these employees, an employee database is necessary to maintain the record of the employees’ information of salaries, technical skills, and working constraints. To complete any project the allocation employees to suitable tasks based on their skill leas and proficiency so that the tasks can be completed successfully. Suppose there are ‘m’ employees involved in the project, for the ith employee …show more content…

Here a commonly used procedure for describing task is the task precedence graph (TPG). A Task Precedence Graph is an acyclic directed graph G. The set of nodes t1; t2; . . . ; tn corresponds to the set of tasks, where n is the number of tasks in the project. The set of arcs A represents the precedence relations among tasks. An arc (i, j) means ti is a direct predecessor task of tj. An example of a Task Precedence Graph is shown in Fig. 3.1. Based on the precedence constraint defined by the Task Precedence Graph (TPG), a task can only start when all of its direct predecessor tasks have finished. The problem of project scheduling with number of tasks is to construct an efficient timetable for the completion of tasks subject to the precedence …show more content…

. . n), the following attributes are considered o pmj—The estimated work of the task in person months. o SKj—The set of skills which are required by the task. o maxheadj—The max headcount for the task. In application, too many employees working on the same task will be having higher communication overhead that result in low quality, it is necessary to make limited number of employees for a task. According to the max headcount can also be estimated by using the COCOMO model. o deadlinej and penaltyj—The deadline and penalty of the task. In the real practice, it is common to define deadlines for tasks. If the task is delayed, a penalty will be made. 3.3 Planning Objective In the project planning of any software project the problem, that involves task scheduling and employee allocation, a plan for a software project must specify when the tasks of the project are processed and how the workloads of employees are assigned to the tasks. More specifically, the plan has to determine the start time startj and the finish time finishj of each task tj ( j =1.. n), and the working hours whtij of all employees i =1; 2; . . . m to the task tj during the time window t belongs to ( startj,

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