Solution Essay: The Major Causes Of Pollution

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Causes of pollution

Human beings largely depend on their environment for survival and that is why it is highly encouraged that each one avoids activities that may cause pollution. Below are some of the major causes of pollution.
Mining: when mining activities take place, heavy machinery causes a release of dust and other fumes into the atmosphere. This may result in toxicity of air within the region.
Agricultural activities: human beings rely on agriculture for food. However, certain agricultural activities like spraying of chemicals to get rid of parasites may end up causing pollution to the air.
Poor waste disposal: poor waste disposal is regarded as one of the major causes of pollution because it is widely practiced. Both industries and individual human beings contribute to this cause.
Industrial Emissions: in the process of creating products to be used for various issues, industries end up emitting large quantities of toxic wastes and fumes which end up causing pollution.
Fossil fuels: petroleum and coal are among some of the leading causes of fossil fuel pollution.

Patterns of environmental …show more content…

The manufacture and use of chemicals are shifting to LMICs, where labor costs are low and environmental and public health protections are few. Chemical and pesticide pollution are increasing in LMICs, and hazardous wastes, including electronic waste, are accumulating.
At the same time, pollution-related chronic diseases such as asthma, heart disease, stroke, and cancer are becoming epidemic in countries where they were previously seldom seen,
The once separate patterns of disease in LMICs and HICs are

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