
Son Of A Trickster By Eden Robinson

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Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson is an Indigenous mythology-based story that follows sixteen-year-old Jared as he struggles with his powers, relationships and overall life. The theme of family, specifically the decisions and roles of Jared's family, significantly affects his personal growth. More particularly from the actions of Maggie Moody, Phil Martin and Nana Sophia. Maggie Moody, Jared's mother, affects Jared's morals and how he feels about violence, Phil Martin, Jared's father, affects Jared’s emotional maturity, and Nana Sophia embodies the feelings resulting from the abandonment of a family member. Maggie's violent approach to life has desensitized Jared to violence, making him less emotionally vulnerable since violence requires a lack of empathy. For example, after Jared traumatically euthanizes his dog, Maggie says to him, “The world is hard, his mom liked to say. You have to be harder” (17). Maggie, Jared's mother, is responsible for helping Jared develop his personality traits. However, when Jared is emotionally vulnerable, she …show more content…

For instance, when Jared visits Destiny's house in Chapter 7, Destiny informs him that his father is back in the hospital. Jared asks whether or not the insurance company responded to his father's disability claim or received the papers. Jared says he will make another sale in a week to catch them up on rent. Jared worries about his dad's well-being and does not resent him even though Phil left him and Maggie for another family. Despite his young age, Jared undertakes financial responsibility for Phil's family by selling marijuana cookies to help pay for Phil's disability and rent. This demonstrates how, when an absent parent becomes accustomed to their child taking on their responsibilities, the kid mentally matures quicker in a toxic

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