Alphonse de Lamartine, French writer and politician, once said, “Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends” (“Quotes About Power Of Music”). What is one of your favorite songs? Does this song have any special meaning for you? Music can be motivational, relaxing, exciting, or even frightening. Sometimes choosing a specific song as your favorite can be challenging, but there is usually one that you really like because the lyrics are relatable to you, maybe it describes your mood, or it may just be really catchy.
I notice a lot of pathos was being used throughout the song and video. As the song and video builds, we start to see conflict begin to happen. We witness the gay man beaten to death by the anti-homosexual mob and the lover couldn't make it to the scene in time to save him. While this is happening, the soft piano then turns to a louder melody matching the tone that Hozier is singing in. We also see a quick glimpse of anti-homosexual protests on a TV screen.
Music carries each and every one of us to a new awareness. It can reach to the innermost part of an individual. Music can envelope our emotions from tears all the way to our joy. It captivates and motivates. As I attended a concert on Saturday, November 7, 2015, Lynyrd Skynyrd performed with power and feeling to their audience.
by Francis Irving Lankey and Arthur Sayles This song was created almost a century ago, and I still hear people singing this song at every Spartan athletic event. In most cases, music is used to show significance to a specific event in someone 's life, or usually used to represent some type of pride you have in your school, team, or country. Music has played important role in American history and has been connecting people for generations. This is important to me because music taught me how to be a diligent worker and never give up on my dreams. As a kid, most of us were exposed to songs such as the ABC 's or theme songs from children 's TV shows.
Frank Ocean once said, “When you 're happy, you enjoy the music. But when you 're sad, you understand the lyrics.” Why does one have to be sad to “understand the lyrics”? Evaluating a song and being given the ability to relate enhances one’s respect for the composer. For example, when one first listens to “Danny’s Song” by Kenny Loggins, they probably believe the song is about love, however, once a person analyzes the lyrics the realize that the song is actually a story of a couple who are having a baby boy.
Music can bring the brightest of joys that keeps us moving through our dull and boring lives. An example of this joy is Ishmael Beah’s life as a boy soldier in his book A Long Way Gone. As he tells you his story, he tells of his dance group with his friends, the times he heard music in the middle of war, and how music saved him from the madness that brewed within him. Music has the unique ability to create peace in a person’s life despite the difficulties surrounding them, and to bring a constant reminder of who they are as a person.
Theme: Friendship Song: “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” – Randy Newman “You've got a friend in me. You got troubles then I got them too. We stick together, we can see it through cause you've got a friend in me.” Justification: This song relates to the relationship George and Lennie had because even though Lennie was always getting in trouble, George was beside him no matter what. Also, when they got to the ranch, Slim said to them that is not common to see such good friends like George and Lennie, who travel together and look out for each other.
Ancient text The Song of Songs and Sappho’s lyrics/fragments are both texts from the ancient world. Each works touches subjects like love, passion or even desire. There are couple of similarities between Sappho’s fragments and The Song of Songs yet there are also couple of disparities. Both expresses either love or desire towards someone.
My Theme Song Songs can connect with how we feel and our experiences. Music has been a major part of my life ever since I was just a toddler. For me music has helped me express what I am feeling and who I am as a person. My therapy has been music, it has helped me through almost every problem I have faced. With listening to the song lyrics, we can get a true understanding of what the artist is trying to tell us.
This song in particular is degrading to women, sending a negative message to them, possibly deeply impacting their views toward consent and their value as human beings. I believe that music does have the power to shape the perception of reality and society for individuals, as music is a form of art that expresses deep emotion. The emotion and catchy tunes behind music causes people to be moved by it, with people often getting very into what they listen to. Moreover, views repeatedly being expressed in different songs will cause people to begin to believe that what they are hearing is true, shaping their
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything” (Plato). If my childhood was filled with anything: it was imagination. From my earliest memories of my cousin, and I putting on a sold out concert on my papaw’s front porch; to putting my baby dolls to sleep with lullabies. Music has always been a big part of my life: it was the one thing I could always count on, no matter where I went; and that still stands true today.
We sang all different kinds of music. We pulled the music apart, we deciphered the lyrics; I soon began to understand that there was a greater meaning to music than just taking me to a mythical
Music has always been a part of my life. In definition, it is “vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.” Ever since I was a young child, I have loved music. The strong, steady beats, the entrancing melodies, and the lyrics that vary between heartwarming and heart-wrenching have always had an unexplainable effect on my life. Music seems to have the ability to change certain aspects of my world.
A song usually has two verses, some may have more. The verse is the beginning of the “story”. The verse is where the majority of the song is being told. A verse is the longest part of any song because it is the part that explain or tells the most. You are setting the theme to the song in your verse.
This song used the spiritual facts which giving hope to the listener. This song leads my emotion to the extent to which I felt that I am being motivated from the inner part of my spirit. Additionally, the song gave me the hope and confidence to move on my life. For instance, sometimes the life will be facing difficulties and challenging, by listening to this song, I was being inspired to believe that I am able to pass through the difficulties and challenges, and believing in myself. In other word, music can serve as the pleasure or the way to cope with the life’s trials and tribulations (Ko,