Sons Of Hierarchy Analysis

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A True Matriarch: Gemma Teller and the Sons of Anarchy
Kurt Sutter’s Sons of Anarchy has been noteworthy for its portrayal of women in the male-dominated world of outlaw motorcycle clubs (OMG). As Alyssa Rosenberg stated for, Sons of Anarchy is a show about biker dudes, and feminism. While the show represents an exploration of masculinity, Sons of Anarchy features highly interesting female characters. OMGs have been known to be notoriously misogynistic, yet amidst all of that, Sons of Anarchy manages to portray a woman who is the true embodiment of a matriarch. How exactly does Sons of Anarchy use Gemma Teller as the representation of female power? Before being able to analyze Gemma Teller’s role in the male dominated world of Sons of Anarchy, it is important to look at what defines a matriarchy. In an entry for the Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Anne Siegetsleitner explains that matriarchy holds two meanings. The first meaning is that of …show more content…

It is no secret that outlaw motorcycle gangs are misogynistic. Women are not allowed to join an OMG as it is a privilege reserved only for men. Instead, women are reduced to mere sexual objects. In short, women are divided into two categories: ole ladies, and mamas, also currently known as sweet butts (Veno 46). Ole ladies can be seen as the women who belong to a particular member of an OMG. In a way, she is the property of that member and no other man is allowed to touch her. This is highly problematic, as the term reduces women to an object instead of a human being. Mamas or sweet butts can be identified as so-called biker groupies. They do not belong to a member yet, as they are not ole ladies, but can be described as women who want to occupy that role. These women are sexually available to all members and are likely to be shared among the