Spanking Should Be Allowed In Schools

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Imagine walking into any place, formal or not, and the first scene you take in is a misbehaving child, too many people the first reaction is to take that child to the restroom or anywhere private and spanking its bottom. Parents have always used spanking as a type of parenting so that a child will learn a lesson that was they are doing is improper. Spanking should be continued as a form of parenting so that children learn to respect and how to behave in public places, it teaches the child that what they are doing could potentially cause them harm, and parents have an authority role. Spanking should be continued as a form of parenting so that children learn to respect and how to behave in public places, so often, children think that they can just run any show with the perfect meltdown in front of just the right person. When a child does this, they should not be rewarded with whatever they want, they need to be popped on the bottom and reminded that doing that is in no way proper and the cuteness of will only get them so far in life before others get tired of it. A few months ago, I was sitting at work watching a young mother trying to reason with her toddler to figure out what flavor ice cream he wanted, but all he wanted in that moment was candy from the quarter …show more content…

Yes, that could be a major problem rising in the world, because parents see themselves as dominant, meaning that they see themselves as above all and the controlling person in the matter. Many people see the case of Lonnie Barton and many more children abused and/or killed by their parents or guardian and that is why they say no to spank a child. People fear that people will get carried away with spanking and let it become continual and more of abuse than a correctional idea to

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