Essay About Speaking English

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1.1 Background of the Study
Speaking English is considered the most fundamental skill to be mastered in language learning (Aleksandrzak, 2011; Bashir, Azeem, & Dogar, 2011; Hasan, 2014; Malihah, 2010; Oradee, 2012). It is supported by the fact that speaking proficiency is often used as the measurement of the success of learners in learning English (Richards, 2008). In Indonesian context, speaking skill is considered an important skill to be mastered by senior high-school students, either public high school or vocational high school.
However, speaking is considered a difficult skill to develop. It is because of the students’ lack of exposures, lack of confidence, and lack of motivation (Febriyanti, 2011). Speaking skill is also considered challenging because the students need more time and courage to speak (Bashir et …show more content…

In accord with a decree of Minister of Education and Culture No 70/2013, the teaching-learning process requires the instruction which focuses on learner-centeredness and interaction, involves students as active participants, provides students to work collaboratively in groups, and uses multimedia as the teaching media. In relation to speaking skill issue, the English teacher in this study is required to conduct instruction, which encourages the students to be actively engaged in doing tasks either individual or collaborative tasks by using target language.
Task-based instruction, hence it will be mentioned as TBI, is the alternative method which can fulfill the aforementioned expectation. Task-based instruction is defined as an instruction which promotes learner centeredness (Ellis, 2003; Nunan, 2004; J.C. Richards & Rodgers, 2001), and uses tasks as the center of instruction and language to complete the tasks (Kumaravadivelu, 2012; Littlewood, 2007; Schmidt, Platt, & Schmidt, 2003 as cited in Shehadeh & Coombe,

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