Speaking Skills Essay

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Speaking who do not know about it? Is that speaking skill also the important thing? This skill is very familiar to anybody. As concerns in learning second language, speaking fluency skill is the basic of basic thing that we should dominated. It is means that, in teaching speaking, teacher must be responsible to provide several strategies to make the situation in learning process effective. One of the strategies is using picture. Since, it raises students up to increase their speaking fluency in order that, this strategy is an effective way to applied for every students. This strategy can motivate and build their critical thinking indirectly. According to Burn and Joyce (1997) Speaking is an interactive process such as producing something …show more content…

Thus the important thing in speaking skill for students is in order to make them speak forthrightly and confidently with their classmates through rehearsing their English conversation frequently. thus that they are not clumsy to practiced gradually. When students tend assume want to successfulness of mastering foreign language is by communicating the language, in other words by speaking it out. Litlewood (2009) speaking ability is the first implementation of foreign language learning students of language learning supposed that to be able of communicating the language. Those students of foreign language learning should be able to implement the knowledge of language into its real performance. For then their learning is successful in the contrary from what it is expected, today lots of foreign language (English) learners “failed” in mastering English as a means of communication. What is emphasized in this study is the students’ failure to communicate the language they learn speaking in real-life conversation. Tell the students to speak English in classroom. After that give the feedback to students such as give them to analyze about something on picture, then give them to practice it on their own word because it can build their critical thinking in order teacher will give them the chance to get the practice they really need to in order to develop their English

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