And have I given everyone an equal opportunity to succeed? With respect to this reference, my personal code of ethics, the relationship between nurse and patient is important. Because it is responsible to the safety of the patient, it is a nurse after all. In order to play an important role to the safety of the patient, nurses to
Patient safety experts have demonstrated that “patient safety increases when teamwork and collaboration skills are taught and empowered; when teamwork and collaboration are not present, medical errors will result” (Creasia & Friberg, 201, p. 348). As a nurse, it is imperative to collaborate with other interdisciplinary members in health care and also strive to research and implement evidence-based practices. Evidence-based practice is necessary to “ensure the highest quality of cost-effective care and the best patient outcomes” (Fineout-Overholt, 2011, para. 16). With a collaborative and innovative attitude on safe health care practices, an increase in patient safety and effectiveness of care will
Each year, the goals are analyzed and if necessary, updated. The 2016 National Patient Safety Goals aim to: 1) Improve the accuracy of patient and resident identification; 2) Improve the effective communication of caregivers; 3) Improve the safety of medication use; 4) Improve the safety of clinical alarm systems; 5) Reduce the risk of health care associated infections; 6) Organize identification of safety risks evident in patient populations; and 7) Set universal protocol for preventing wrong site/procedure/person surgeries (TJC, 2016). These safety goals are mandated so that medical errors are reduced and patients are given the best quality care possible. Some of the steps nurses can take in association with these goals include: using at least two patient identifiers to ensure correct patient treatment and reduce patient misidentification; making timely reports of critical test and diagnostic results; maintaining accurate patient medication information, and labeling all medications and containers removed from original containers; quickly responding to medical equipment alarms, and maintaining their upkeep; following hand hygiene guidelines, and using evidence-based practices to prevent infections due to multi drug-resistant organisms, surgical sites, or indwelling catheters; identifying patients at risk for suicide; and ensuring that sites are correctly marked for surgery through marking the procedure site and undergoing a verification process (Cherry & Jacobs,
The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics exists as a guide for nurses and other medical professionals; the nine provisions included lead medical professionals to have the safest, most respectful practice possible. Provision six in the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements focuses on the medical environment and what is done to ensure an environment that is ethical and provides safe and competent healthcare. (ANA, 2015) Virtues are what drives people to do the ‘right thing’. They can be learned and habituated; but for that to happen there must be an environment that has a strong positive moral atmosphere.
In order for the future of health care to change, changes must begin at the top with stakeholders, the hierarchy and nursing management, nurses as leaders within their organizations. According to Disch J. (2008), nurses as leaders within their organizations need to also step forward, CNEs have the background, perspective, and platform to help their organizations seriously tackle safety issues that jeopardize patient care and that face nurses and their colleagues daily, and are the essential building blocks of all health systems--and
Communication in nursing is known for its life saving success as well as its greatest flaw in poor patient outcomes. There is always room for improvement and when communication is carried out efficiently, healthcare professionals have reaped the benefits. However, there have been many instances in which nurses have had to learn the hard way of how detrimental communication can be to patient safety. Through research and reviews of literature, the topic of patient safety related to handoff communication among units is analyzed.
Finally, it will explain the importance of ethics in communication and how patient safety is influenced by good or bad team communication. The first method of communication is mutual respect. The patient and clinician have a partnership based on trust. The patient has respect for the clinician 's experience and the clinician has respect for the patient 's wishes, needs, concerns and builds on past experience to meet immediate needs. (Paget, 2011).
Safety is a condition characterized by minimal risk of harm coupled with protection from potential harm. In health care, patient safety involves instituting mitigation measures to prevent potential adverse events. Unfortunately, the existence of potential adverse events is only recognized after such an event has occurred. Reporting an adverse event, therefore, is the first step towards developing mitigation measures. However, some nurses fear reporting adverse events, because they erroneously believe they will be penalized for the occurrence of such an event.
Failing in service-user safety can sometimes be attributed to communication failure, however communication is one of the most important tools in preventing such failures. The ability to communicate effectively as a team stems from understanding the various professions in the team (Gluyas & Morrison, 2013). Understanding the various roles allows for an insight into how the healthcare system links together and the part each roles plays in provision of care. Additionally it aides in building trust and respect amongst team members (Gluyas & Morrison, 2013). This in turn can be linked to improved service-user safety, because it allows for role relation and see their part in the service-user care pathway.
As a nurse I do not want to ever place patients in danger, not only to avoid reprimand from the board of nursing, but also because each patient is some ones loved one and I feel all people no matter what their past is like deserves great nursing care in a nonjudgmental way. Oklahoma Board of
If we as nurses respect the confidentiality of a patient, we should do so for all the patients. However, Griffith (2007) argues that the duty of confidence should not be absolute and nurses should always consider sharing information if required. Though the principle of respecting patient autonomy and their right to confidentiality is broken here, the principle of beneficence and non-maleficence is uphold. Nurses have an obligation to protect patient’s confidentiality but the duty to warn an innocent party of imminent harm is far more critical. Therefore, breaking confidentiality here is potentially doing more good than
If nurses make mistakes, they have to admit it. In addition, Nurses have an ethical responsibility to keep their patients ' medical record confidentiality. Nurses shouldn 't release this confidential data to other persons. Furthermore, Nurses need to be trusted with a great deal of high profile information. A patient counts on a nurse 's professionalism and integrity to keep their medical information confidential.
Nurses are typically a target in these situations because they are consistently in contact with the patient throughout their shift. When nurses interact with patients, their actions and reactions to certain circumstances can, most of the time, determine the next interaction with the patient. The behavior of the nurse and the patient are essential at this step, as negativity from one person can cause negative behavior as a response from the next person. Nurses cannot control the actions and behaviors of others; however, they can
They need to learn the various pieces and functions of communication in diverse areas of nursing. According to Garrett (2016), to maintain patient safety communication should be consistent, comprehensive, transparent, concise, and appropriate, consequently, leading to interacting and connecting with patients who demonstrated to improve results, reduce costs, and improve the patient’s understanding. A study conducted by Daly (2017), states that they are four themes nurses should utilize in their daily practice: 1. Prioritise people, 2. Practise effectively, 3.
A study was done to view just how much horizontal violence could affect patient safety and it was found that there was an increase in patient falls and a delay in care due to nurses not communicating to one another or not wanting to help a fellow coworker when asked