Personal Narrative-How To Improve Self-Esteem

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About one and a half year ago, my dating life completely changed. Suddenly I was dating and attracting astonishingly sexy girls. Even less than a year I've had been learning from pick up artist's, yet suddenly I had found one of the keys to an abundance of sexy girls. No, this key wasn't some technique or strategy you find all over the place. It was a philosophy. A philosophy which says that beautiful women are attracted to you to the degree of: How confident you are. How charming you are. How responsible you are. You have to understand that I had never heard of such a philosophy. This all was completely new to me, just like it probably is to you now, too. However, suddenly I understood a critical understanding. Suddenly I understood that women are attracted to very different things than men. …show more content…

You see, people with high self-esteem value their OWN opinion the most. Not that of others. Therefore, because they like themselves so much, they AUTOMATICALLY become more confident, hence more attractive and better able to cope with life's uncertain situations. How to improve my self-esteem? First of all, understand that the only TRUE self-esteem is self-esteem linked to your own personality. This is because if you want to like and value yourself more, you'll have to find reasons for that. A good reason could be that you are a good friend. Another is that you're very persistent with your desires. However, a bad reason to improve how much you like yourself could be that you make a lot of money, or date a lot of sexy girls. Can you see the difference? Linking your self-esteem to something outside of yourself is BAD. But why? Simply because if you'll ever loose such possessions, you'll immediately also loose your

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