Traveling Habits

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“Quit your job, buy a ticket, get a tan, fall in love, and never return.”
I was 20 when I started fantasizing about making this dream happen. One late night, I chanced upon this beautifully-penned post by Adventurous Kate, an American woman who quit her job in New York at age 26 to travel to Southeast Asia. Just a few weeks after, I stumbled upon the world of Alex in Wanderland, another New Yorker who traded her life in the United States to travel the world.
“But they are Americans. They have more resources to do so.” Still, I found myself saying, “one day, someday.”
In 2011, I was travel stoked by the story of Lois and Chichi of We Are Sole Sisters, two Filipinas …show more content…

How I wish they can get off their high horses! There are many great ways to travel and it’s not an either/or option wherein you choose to keep your job and never travel or you leave your job and travel. It does not have to be that way. Again, it’s important to remember that you can do both. You can definitely find a balance between your travel adventures and your real life. You can find happiness and satisfaction in the in-between.
Don’t let anyone dictate how you see and experience the world. Travel in the way and means you’re comfortable with—if it means keeping the job you love and need, so be it; if it means refusing to pack your life in a suitcase, so be it; if its means coming home to your own shower and own bed after a long journey, so be it; if it means having a weekend away from the city or a month around South America, so be it; and if it means balancing your priorities (your work, your family, your life back at home) and your interests (traveling), so be it!
I want you to remember that any travel is good travel as long as it’s done your way and your means. It does not matter if you choose to keep or quit your job to travel. There’s no right or wrong way to do so. But please don’t go out of the world chasing someone else’s dreams. Find your own adventure. Chase your own

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