Essay On Absurdity Of Life

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Camus: Nagel, I am glad you came here today with me so we can discuss the absurdity of life. Nagel: Well, thank you for inviting me. Life’s absurdity is one of the most fascinating topics, and is one that we should discuss. Camus: From our previous conversations, I can say we both have differing outlooks on this issue which we must get to the bottom to. Nagel: Camus, what does it mean to you to say life is absurd? Camus: Life is absurd because we experience a disconnect from our life and our minds. Often humans feel out of place in the universe since we are not certain of where we exactly fit into the grand scheme of things. Absurdity comes from the clash between what we desire on how the world should be and how it is. In other words, we imagine of lives in our minds as one thing, but in reality our lives play out very differently. (Camus, 648) Nagel: Camus, what reasons are there for saying life is absurd? Camus: Life is absurd …show more content…

However, even if our lives were infinite and we filled the universe our lives would be just as insignificant (Nagel, 664). For me, the absurdity of life comes from a clash and our consciousness. The absurd arises “when we perceive… an inflated pretension or aspiration which is inseparable from the continuation of human” (Nagel, 665). Meaning that we imagine life to go one way but in reality it turns out differently. This is true for every person. You imagine your life one way; however, this is never actually reality. We go on life knowing our expectations will never be filled. Life is absurd because “we ignore the doubts that we know cannot be settled, continuing to live with … seriousness in spite of them.” People recognize the absurdity but still live their lives in complete seriousness like it

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