Essay About Rape In Thailand

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Rape is one of the big problem in the society. According to the world statistics, there are more than 250,000 cases of rape from all around the world. Thailand is in top 10 countries with the highest rape rate. Look back to last 2 years, there was the unfortunate girl who was raped and killed. From this situation, it made people think highly of the punishment of rape. Then, there was the train of thought about rape should be punished by the death penalty. Some of people were believed that the death punishment is the effective punishment, but some do not believe this kind of punishment because it is cruelty. Even though the death penalty is the most severe punishment but it is not the best solution of the legal punishment.
In each year, there are lots of rape case in our society. Most of people may think that the death penalty can decrease the crime rates in the society because the death penalty is the way to prevent people from being the criminal. It is like the proverb which said, drawing a tiger to scare the cattle. This can be the factor that made people afraid of doing crime. Then, arresting …show more content…

Rape is one way of killing women, the raped women have to live with suffering for the rest of their lives. It does not have an impact on her physical appearance only, but also has an influence to her mental health too. Then, everyone has their own right to live. It does not fair to other people. If you can kill other people, others can also kill you too. On the other hand, if the criminal knows that he will got punish by the death penalty, he might kill the victims to prevent them from telling the police. It will be safer for them than release the victims. After they did the crime, he will be able to realize that he did something wrong. So, they will find and do everything that can prevent them from the charge. They will not care whether it is right or wrong. If it can made them become an innocent people, he will do

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