What´s Sustainable Development?

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Hi guys!
I want to talk about a global topic and it is the Sustainable Development, but few people know about this, so the first question is What is Sustainable Development? It is the result of a state of society where living and conditions and resource use continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and the stability of the natural system.
How does Sustainable Development work? It works with three principal aspects, they are the social sustainability, the economic sustainability, and the ecologic or environmental sustainability. The first is the ability of a community to develop processes and structures that serve now and in the future. The second is the ability of an economy to support a defined level of economic production indefinitely and the third is the rat of renewable resource harvest, which has the purpose of not so much polluting our planet. Each one of the three-factor has a similarity between two or three factors. The number one is between the social and the environment and it is bearable, that is the ability to be endured. Other is between environment and economic, that is viable, it has to sufficiently developed to be capable of living, under normal condition. The next is between social and economic and is equitable, it has to fair and impartial. The relation with three aspects is the sustainable, significate that has to …show more content…

I am going to answer this question What Does Sustainable Development mean for you? For me, the Sustainable Development is a global form where the people keep stable the principal living conditions and live will be better. I think so because on our planet not everything is the same. We have different cultures, the countries have to a different economics level and our society is different. For that, we searching an equality between all and so we have a good future because is better for the social, the ecologic and the economics. If we work thinking about the three aspects, we will live

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